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What is IVF procedure and explain the 7 Steps Of Test tube baby Procedure?

7 Steps Of Test tube baby Procedure


7 Steps Of Test tube baby Procedure by Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre: An investigation reveals that several people are suffering from infertility problems these days. They may not be aware of it, because there are several reasons behind infertility problem. This is the common problem of both Male and Female, which has many reasons. First of all, you must consider the reasons for fertility issues. These include:

If you are suffering from these problems, then you need to visit the IVF centre in Punjab, so that you can get the best possible treatment for your condition. Well, IVF is the best infertility treatment for both sexes. 

Steps of IVF procedure


This is the first and important step of IVF treatment. So you must choose the best infertility clinic, in order to talk to a specialist, so that you can get the right information about IVF. In your consultation period, your specialist will examine you well, to know the reason behind infertility.

The Natural Menstrual Cycle

During your first meeting with the specialist, he prescribes certain medications to suppress your natural menstrual cycle. Well, the medications for this available in two variations such as -:

  • A daily injection, don’t go with it without prescription.

  • A nasal spray

Stimulation of the ovaries

This is the main step for infertile females. In this step, your specialist will prescribe your hormone supplement, so that you can produce healthy eggs for fertilization and conception as well. In addition to this, you have to take these supplements for at least 12 days, so that you won’t face any problem in pregnancy with IVF.

Progress Evaluation

In the meantime, you need to visit the fertility clinic routine check-ups. In this step, your doctor evaluates your progress with the help of Vaginal ultrasound scans. These are useful to monitor your ovaries whether they are able to produce healthy eggs or not.

Egg and sperm retrieval process

After the evaluation, egg and sperm retrieval takes place. Your specialist collects the eggs from your ovaries for fertilization. And then he collects the sperm cells from your male partner.


After the collection of eggs and sperm cells, he takes place in the fertilization process. Fertilization takes place to develop the embryos for conception. This whole IVF process is done under the observation of senior fertility specialists in the clinical lab.

Embryo transfer

Well, This is the last step of In-Vitro treatment, in which specialists first examine the developed embryos and then transfer them to your uterus for implantation and conception as well.

Moreover, the main thing is that you have to find the best fertility clinic, so that you can get the appropriate treatment for your condition.

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