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Mini IVF

Mini IVF


How its different from IVF?

IVF gives a hope to couples who have tried endless options to conceive a baby. The fertility treatments are very costly that everyone cannot afford them but thanks to advanced IVF technique that almost reduces the price by half, called as Mini-IVF.

What is Mini-IVF procedure?

  1. Intake of a fertility pill as suggested by your fertility expert for around 10 – 12 days
  2. Ovulation is stimulated in female by preventing the action of estrogen receptors at hypothalamus and FSH and LH hormones are released.
  3. Throughout the period of 10 – 12 days, female undergoes ultrasound evaluations to determine an effective growth of her eggs
  4. As soon as the eggs enlarge sufficiently, surgeon takes them out by a little operation procedure.

How mini-IVF is different from standard IVF?

Females are usually prescribed with high dose of anti-estrogen tablets that result into hyper stimulation disorder in them. It causes overreaction to the fertility medication due to which side effects such as swollen stomach or stomach aches occur.

Unlike it, in mini-IVF, lower fertility drug is prescribed that reduces the treatment cost by half to the traditional method. Weaker drugs or smaller doses are prescribed to only develop few eggs.

Because lower doses of fertility medicines are utilized, per cycle cost is smaller and the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is significantly decreased.

Pros of Mini-IVF

  1. Better choice for couples besides of developing lower results than traditional IVF.
  2. No risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulations syndrome
  3. Less use of gonadotropins
  4. It is a good choice for females who are at risk of developing OHSS.

Cons of Mini-IVF

  1. If you fail to conceive after a couple of cycles, the cost can be higher in the prolong run.
  2. With standard IVF, if single cycle doesn’t work, you often will have some embryos remained to restore. These can be utilized for frozen embryo transfer.
  3. Mini-IVF creates less feasibility to preserve embryos for future use.
  4. More risk of egg fertilization failure
  5. All developed eggs hardly survive the IVF process
  6. Mini-IVF is not suitable to develop large number of eggs

Is it possible to implement Mini-IVF procedure after failed traditional IVF

In few situations, attempts to produce several eggs can go wrong and cause troubles. But unsuccessful IVF doesn’t mean that mini-IVF wouldn’t be feasible. It is possible that a female who couldn’t manage traditional IVF cycle, can probably succeed in mini-IVF as it helps developing better quality eggs.  So don’t lose hope, if one attempt failed, it doesn’t mean all will fail.

Cost effective Mini-IVF

Mini-IVF is more economical to traditional IVF and reduces the risk of development of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. But the success rates are smaller with this procedure.

However mini-IVF costs larger than IUI but it has greater success rates than IUI. So unlike to IUI, there are more chances to becoming pregnant with Micro-IVF.

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