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IUI- an Assisted Reproductive Technique that can help you to conceive!

IUI treatment


It is considered the simplest and a preferred clinical technique for those seeking help to have a baby in their lifetime. Though it is a less tiresome procedure, not all couples can conceive through this technique. Many couples are best helped through IVF procedure, so meet the expert to know if you are a candidate […]

Intrauterine Insemination Treatment and what you have to know about it



One way of fighting infertility is through having IUI treatment also known as Artificial Insemination. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is one of the cheapest procedures and fertility treatment that any infertile patient would want to get. What is Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)? It is a procedure of assisted reproductive technology that requires a doctor to inject a […]

IVF Treatment VS IUI Treatment: which one to go for?


Infertility is a common sexual problem that many couples today. In India, approximately 11 million people are faced with infertility regardless of their gender. Infertility in men and women has become a global concern due to the fact that it threatens human existence both today and in the future. The need to dictate the gender […]

Know About The Procedure Of IUI

Know About The Procedure Of IUI


Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is the treatment in which sperm of male partner is induced in the women’s uterus for fertilization. This treatment improves the chances of the fertilization even in case of low sperm count. It is the safe and less invasive method that gives head start to the sperm to reach and fertilizes the […]