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Lecture with Dr.Sumita Sofat: Oxford Debate ‘Medical Education Molds the Future of Medicine’

Lecture with Dr.Sumita Sofat Oxford Debate 'Medical Education Molds the Future of Medicine’


Due to the popularity of our fertility clinic, Oxford DebateMedical Education Molds the Future of Medicine’ Held by AUO & European Medical Association (EMA) invites our Senior Dr. Sumita Sofat as a guest speaker in London. Well, as you know she gives the new hope to infertile couples to be parents. This Debate is held on 27 September 2019, in which several fertility specialists or several other doctors participate. If you want to listen to their lectures, then you can watch the oxford debate on youtube Channel.

In this debate, Dr. Sumita Sofat reveals about ART techniques. ART stands for Assisted Reproductive Techniques, which include IVF and ICSI. Both techniques are found for infertile couples so that they can enjoy parenthood.

In this lecture, she said about the popularity of our clinic among infertile couples, because we not only offer ART techniques but also offer egg freezing and sperm freezing methods. Both methods are useful to preserve fertility for those, who are planning to undergo cancer treatment such as chemotherapy.

She reveals that the present day, millions of couples take IVF treatment who are suffering from infertility problems. Apart from infertility, she speaks about the popularity of cosmetology as well.

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