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Infertility: How a hidden TB (Tuberculosis) affects fertility in women?

Affect of Hidden TB infection on female fertility - Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre


Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre: Majority of women encounter the infertility condition but they actually do not know the exact reason behind infertility. In addition, one woman revealed that she took so many tests but she was unable to conceive a baby. Then she met her doctor and took a physical examination, in which she learned that she is suffering from tuberculosis or TB infection.

What is tuberculosis?

This condition is known as an infectious disease which usually caused by tubercle bacillus or a bacteria named as Mycobacterium tuberculosis. A recent study reveals that people with HIV problem usually experience this condition. In order to treat your TB infection, you need to get the right tuberculosis treatment which is named as BCG vaccination. Moreover, this is the vaccination which gives you the strength to fight against TB infection.  But a recent study shows that even with the help of this vaccination, some people encounter TB infection.

How does Tuberculosis or TB infection affect your fertility?

Millions of female are facing infertility due to TB infection, which can cause due to the tubercle bacillus. In addition to this, this condition directly affects your fallopian tubes and reproductive organs such as uterus, cervix, vagina, and ovaries. If you are suffering from an infection in fallopian tubes your ovaries may not able to fertilize because of not proper movement of sperm.

Moreover, if bacteria which can cause TB infection erode the lining of the endometrium, then the chances of pregnancy declines. And research shows that almost 40% of ladies experience infertility due to this condition.

A symptom of hidden TB infections

The main symptom of TB infection is lung infection, but if ladies experience hidden tuberculosis then, the primary sign is infertility, which means the inability to conceive a baby. She may experience weight loss condition as well as both type of infertility such as primary and secondary infertility.

These are not only symptoms, but you may also experience no menstrual bleeding, infrequent menstrual cycle, and abnormally heavy bleeding.

Diagnosis of Genital or hidden TB in women

Well, it is too hard to diagnose but there are some tests which may help you to understand the condition such as Hysterosalpingography, Endoscopy, Laparoscopy,

Ultrasonography, Cervical cytology, and Hysteroscopy.

Treatment of hidden tuberculosis to treat infertility

You have to visit us once so that we can examine your condition and then we can recommend you the treatment. You may need to go through a 6-month medical course, for example, isoniazid, rifampin, and pyrazinamide. Moreover, if you are unable to treat your condition in 6 months then you can also go with a 9-month course or you must continue this treatment for 9 months. Or you may need to get the Lymphocyte Immune therapy which is a sort of antibacterial treatment.

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