Tests To Diagnose Infertility In Women

Tests To Diagnose Infertility In Women

Struggling to conceive can be challenging, prompting various tests to uncover the reasons behind the difficulty. At Dr. Sumita Sofat IVF Hospital, individuals often discover answers and uplifting success stories. Learn more about the tests addressing fertility challenges and be inspired by a real success story from someone who found hope at this renowned IVF centre in India.

Tests for Infertility in Women:

  1. Hormone Check:

Women have hormones that play a significant role in making a baby. Tests look at levels of hormones like estrogen and progesterone to see if everything is working as it should.

  1. Ovulation Tracking:

Knowing when an egg is ready is crucial. Methods like tracking periods and using ovulation kits help understand the best time to try for a baby.

  1. Hysterosalpingography (HSG):

This is like taking a special X-ray to see if there are any issues in the uterus or fallopian tubes that might be stopping pregnancy.

  1. Pelvic Ultrasound:

This ultrasound, which avoids the need for surgery, captures images to assess reproductive organ health, identifying issues such as cysts or fibroids. Consider choosing the best IVF centre in Jalandhar for comprehensive fertility care.

  1. Laparoscopy:

Sometimes, a tiny camera is used to look inside to see if things like endometriosis or cysts are causing trouble.

  1. Genetic Tests:

These tests look at genes to see if any family-related issues could affect getting pregnant or having a healthy pregnancy.

  1. Thyroid Test:

A simple blood test helps check if the thyroid, a tiny gland in the neck, works fine. Thyroid problems can make it harder to get pregnant.

  1. Blood Sugar Test:

Some conditions, like PCOS, are linked to how the body handles sugar. This test helps to see if there’s anything that needs attention.

A Story of Success at Dr Sumita Sofat IVF Hospital:

Meet Raman, a strong woman who struggled to get pregnant. She went to Dr. Sumita Sofat IVF Hospital for help. Tests showed that Raman’s hormones were not quite right, making it hard for her to have a baby. This emphasizes the critical role of the IVF centre in Punjab in her journey.

With Dr. Sumita Sofat’s guidance, a plan was made just for Raman. She went through a process to help her eggs grow, called ovulation induction, along with a special kind of insemination. The team at the hospital not only took care of the medical side but also supported Raman emotionally.

After trying a few times, Raman got the news she had been waiting for—she would have a baby. The doctors and Raman worked together, and the combination of medical know-how and emotional support made her dream of becoming a mom come true.

Raman’s story shows how Dr. Sumita Sofat IVF Hospital is where people get the right help to have a baby. They don’t just focus on the medical side; they understand the feelings that come with the journey.


Figuring out why getting pregnant is difficult involves going through various tests. The Dr. Sumita Sofat IVF Hospital is a top-notch place that uses advanced technologies and cares about the people going through it. Raman’s story shows that, with experts’ help, even when things seem hard, the dream of having a family can come true at the best IVF centre in Jalandhar.