Experience the blissful moment of success story IVF procedure

Children make the family complete and in this video you will be seeing the completion of the family with successful IVF procedure at Sofat Infertility & Women care centre. In this video you will be seeing the joyful moment of the parents experiencing a successful pregnancy with the help of our experienced IVF doctor named […]

What Is IVF Treatment And How Much Does It Cost?

What Is the Cost Of IVF Treatments?

In the current fast-paced era, people are busy with their lives. Many couples delay marriages or their plans of conceiving a baby. Sometimes, due to this, they age and reduce their chances of successful conception. In addition, some people have issues with their reproductive organs or have infertility problems that make it difficult for them […]

क्या सभी महिलाओं के लिए मासिक चक्र से गुजरना जरूरी है ? 

मासिक चक्र का हर एक स्त्री के लिए महत्व।

आपका मासिक धर्म चक्र आपके स्वास्थ्य के बारे में बहुत कुछ बता सकता है। अपने मासिक धर्म चक्र पर नज़र रखने से आपको यह समझने में मदद मिल सकती है कि आपके लिए क्या सामान्य है। आप अपने ओवुलेशन को भी रिकॉर्ड कर सकते है और महत्वपूर्ण बदलाव पा सकते है जैसे कि मासिक धर्म […]

Which things you must know about the entire Egg Donation Process?

There are many reasons why people suffer from infertility problems. Some infertility problems can easily get treated, but others do not. And then the couple has to take the help of fertility experts of the reputed Best IVF center in Amritsar. Usually, the couples hide their infertility problems owing to the fear of the test […]

 What is Low Testosterone in Women?

Best IVF Doctor in Punjab

Testosterone is a male hormone, but females also produce some amount of Testosterone. It is important for several functions of the female’s body. Deficiency of Testosterone can impact the health of the female. It can also cause infertility in females. The IVF technology can treat infertility. Dr. Sumita Sofat provides you with guidance and treatment […]

Empirical assessment to plan and pay for your IVF treatment in 2022

_How to finance your IVF Treatment

Let me start the blog by saying, ‘Often difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations. In today’s blog, I am going to share the journey of patients who visited our IVF centre: Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre, Punjab. Their journey of infertility has major roadblocks which made them think nothing would help them to get blessed […]

Everything you need to know about the IVF embryo transfer procedure

_Guide on IVF embryo transfer

Embryo transfers the last and most awaited procedure of IVF. Well, it is not merely about the transfer but there are a lot of things which go behind it. When you schedule your consultation at the best IVF Centre in Punjab the fertility doctor will make sure to guide you in detail about the procedure […]