What Are Your Fertile Days?

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Pregnancy is just the matter of the timing. If you do the intercourse at the right time when the egg and the sperm are meet together. Then, your chances of the fertility will be increased to the maximum extent. If you want to be pregnant, it is important to determine when you will be ovulating. […]

What Are The Common Miscarriage Questions?

common misscarage question

Miscarriage is the most common complication that occurs in the pregnancy. This is normally occurring in the first trimester or the later. This is the most emotionally shocking event in the women life. There are only 25% of the couples that lead to the problem of miscarriage. Miscarriage is the result of the lack of […]

How Male Obesity Affects The Fertility Of Men?

How Male Obesity Affects The Fertility Of Men?

Male infertility is the most drastic situation in most of the childless couples. There are large numbers of the factors that are responsible for male infertility. Factors include bad lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, and sedentary life style. This will not only affect you at the physical level but it is also affected at the mental […]

What Is The Difference Between The Natural IVF And The Conventional IVF Cycle?

What Is The Difference Between The Natural IVF And The Conventional IVF Cycle?

Title:  What Is The Difference Between The Natural IVF And The Conventional IVF Cycle? Overview IVF is indeed a god sent blessing for the infertile couples. There are so many procedures under this field with which the couples can have the joy of being parents. Based on your medical condition, the nature of the IVF […]

What Is Included In The Prenatal Care And Postpartum Care?

What Is Included In The Prenatal Care And Postpartum Care?

Prenatal Care Prenatal care is essential to decrease the risk during pregnancy. This also increases the chance of the safe and healthy delivery. A regular visit to the best IVF centre in Rajpura will help you to prevent from complications that otherwise become serious. Without the parental care, there may be more chances of having […]

Low Sperm Count & How It Affects Fertility

Diabetes And Female Infertility Problems

Indeed, life is a race! I became more intrigued by this quote when I watched one of my favorite Bollywood movies “3 Idiots”. Did you know that to become who you are, there was a specific sperm that traveled a mile faster than the rest to fertilize the egg? It wasn’t a mile, but we […]

Cryopreservation – A Fertility Technique to Preserve the Embryo

Cryopreservation - A Fertility Technique to Preserve the Embryo

The concept of the sperm freezing was firstly practiced in the year 1950. It has been nearly 67 years to use the concept in the process of the egg freezing. This concept is used for those women who want to protect their fertility. This first successful freezing pregnancy was announced in the year 1986. Cryopreservation […]

IVF Diet Guidelines To Increase The Success Rate

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Fertility diet includes the food that is required to enhance the egg and the sperm quality. Benefits of the good fertility diet Good food will help you to build the good lining of the uterus in order to house the baby, Balanced food helps you to provide the good hormones for the reproduction. Good food […]

Celebrate with the leading infertility specialist- Dr. Sumita Sofat

Celebrate with the leading infertility specialist- Dr. Sumita Sofat

It is yet another year of great achievement for Dr. Sumita Sofat after being awarded an award for her extraordinary fertility practices. Presented to her by Captain Amarinder Singh, the chief minister of Punjab, Dr. Sumita Sofat is determined to continue with her advanced protocols and practices in the IVF/ART sector. The beautifully dressed young […]