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Unlocking Fatherhood: How MicroTESE Can Help You Achieve Pregnancy

Some of the things that affect male fertility


Infertility is something that is a really big concern for many people. Those people who get affected by it have to go to the best IVF Centre in Punjab, where they can get these problems treated with the utmost effect.  Out of many options, the microTESE( Microsurgical Testicular Sperm Extraction) is emerging to be the […]

Breaking the Silence on Erectile Dysfunction

Most Prevailing Situations


Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common problem that affects men’s sexual health but is rarely mentioned. Even though this condition is common, there is still a stigma associated with it, which prevents open discussions that could result in improved knowledge and assistance.  Erectile Dysfunction ED is the term for a man’s inability to obtain or […]

Discovering the Causes, Symptoms and Solutions of Male Hypogonadism

How does the ailment of hypothyroidism contribute to infertility issues?


Male Hypogonadism or insufficient testosterone production in males. It has drawn increased attention lately. Testosterone is the primary hormone linked to the male sex. It is crucial for numerous physiological functions, affecting everything from mood and desire to bone density and muscular growth.   Male Hypogonadism  Male Hypogonadism is a state in which men’s hormone levels […]

पुरुषों में बढ़ रही इनफर्टिलिटी और नपुंसकता के कारण, इलाज

मर्दो में नपुंसकता का इलाज कर उन्हें संतान की ख़ुशी देना हुआ आसान!


मर्दो में इनफर्टिलिटी और नपुंसकता के कारणों के खुलासे से जानें इसके सहायक उपचार ? मर्दो में इनफर्टिलिटी और नपुंसकता की समस्या क्या हैं ? नपुंसकता काफी गंभीर समस्या हैं जिसका वर्णन हम इस पूर्ण लेख में करेंगे- मर्दो में इनफर्टिलिटी और नपुंसकता आज के समय में काफी गंभीर समस्या बनी हुई हैं, जिसका खामियाजा […]

Male infertility is a common concern as it accounts for 50% of infertility cases

Most Prevailing Situations


Male Infertility – Don’t Sleep On It To Make Decision One of the researches has shown that male infertility accounts for 50% of infertility cases. What’s important is that individuals struggling to conceive on their own for a long time need to consult the best gynaecologist in Ludhiana to help the situation get back to […]

5 Common Ways To Diagnose Male Infertility And Its Treatment



There might be ample reasons for a couple not to get pregnant. Infertility is not something that cripples with age. It is something that could happen to anyone at any time. It does not look at age or gender. In fact, the ratio of fertility problems is divided into 50-50 % between men and women. […]

Prostate Cancer Fertility Treatment



Prostate Gland & Fertility: What’s the connection? Prostate Cancer Fertility Treatment in Ludhiana, Punjab The prostate gland is just like a walnut shape & size. It is present below the bladder & right in front of the rectum. The prostate performs the function of making semen which helps in sperm through the penis & ejaculation […]

Everything you need to know about the male fertility testing

Guide On Male Fertility Testing


Infertility issues are dealt with by both men and women. It’s right to say that blaming women that pregnancy is not reaching the desired level is not right. Sometimes the male fertility levels are getting down which needs to be checked with time & to make sure the journey of conception goes in the right […]

क्या यह सच है की पुरषों में बांझपन का कारण कोरोना का टीका हो सकता है ?

क्या यह सच है की पुरषों में बांझपन का कारण कोरोना का टीका हो सकता है ?


पिछले 2 सालों से हमने किस विषय पर सबसे ज़्यादा चर्चा की है ? कोरोना और उससे छुटकारा कैसे पाया जा सके | इसके साथ ही जब से वैज्ञानिकों ने कोरोना के टीके का आविष्कार किया है तब से हम सब बहुत ही अलग–अलग बातों सामने आ रही हैं | जैसे की, ‘क्या कोरोना टीका […]

What is celiac disease? How it is linked to affect male infertility?

What is celiac disease? How it is linked to affect male infertility?


What is celiac disease? Celiac disease is also referred to as celiac sprue or gluten-sensitive enteropathy. Your immune system reacts when you eat gluten & it is a protein type that is found in products like barley, rye, and wheat. Due to celiac disease, the consumption of having gluten will make your small intestine respond. […]