Premature Menopause पर इनफर्टिलिटी दवाइयों का क्या असर होता है?

वर्तमान पीढ़ी में समय से पहले रजोनिवृत्ति एक आम समस्या है। यह उन महिलाओं के रजोनिवृत्ति की विशेषता है जो अभी तक अपने रजोनिवृत्ति की आयु के करीब पहुंचती हैं। ऐसी स्थितियों के पीछे इनफर्टिलिटी ड्रग्स को दोषी बताया जाता है। यदि आपको ओवुलेशन इंडक्शन ड्रग्स लेने की सलाह दी गई है, तो आप अपने […]
How Much Does the Average Female Fertility Evaluation Cost?

Getting diagnosed with infertility has its repercussions. You are saddled with the ‘Why me’ question. It also brings about a wave of disappointment and loss of hope. However, it is best to get yourself evaluated at the right time so that you have time on your side. The woman should get their fertility evaluated as […]
What are the different tests for woman’s fertility and how to diagnose it?

Know what kind of different tests are taken to examine the woman’s fertility and how they are diagnosed in a Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre Lab.
Tubal Flushing can increase the chances of conception for infertile women

One study found that HSG with oil-based contrast can improve the chances of conception in infertile women by 2 to 3 times, to know more read this full post.
How IVF patients at Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre redefine their experience?

Our staff will assist you in what to do and how to keep you calm or relax during the whole procedure.
Explain in detail regarding the problem of early menopause and IVF?

menopause can create a lot of problems for women who are trying to conceive read this full post to know more about menopause.
Now There Is No Age Limit For The Women Who Are Seeking IVF Treatment

Infertility puts forward many challenges in the couple’s life. Apart from emotional devastation and social ostracism, they have to come to terms with the truth of not being able to bear a child. Hope is around the corner however with the presence of ART techniques. We are lucky to be born in an era that […]
IVF Treatment for Blocked Fallopian Tubes & Ectopic Pregnancy

It is said that if any fertilized egg or embryo remains within the fallopian tube, there are some of the chances that it can cause heavy bleeding and many more other complications to more read this full article.
What is female infertility and explain the causes, symptoms, and treatments for infertility?

If you want to treat your condition easily, then you must understand the causes and symptoms of female infertility.
Myths About Struggling Infertility During Summertime

Here, we have mentioned some ways in which you can deal with the infertility problem During Summertime.