Understanding Epididymitis: A Detailed Look at Causes and Ways To Treat it
Have you ever experienced pain or inflammation in some parts of your testicle? Has it ever affected the quality and motility of your sperm or blood in your semen. Then it is a symptom of epididymitis. In this condition, epididymis, the tube that stores and carries the sperm, gets infected. it is usually caused by […]
Anejaculation Explained- Causes, Symptoms & Treatments
When a person is not able to ejaculate during sexual activity or other penis-stimulating activity, then this condition is referred to as an ejaculation symptom. This inability to ejaculate resists the feeling of satisfaction for a person and his partner. Proper understanding of causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment at the best IVF Centre in Srinagar […]
What Are The Causes Of Retrograde Ejaculation
A medical condition called Retrograde Ejaculation. In the condition of retrograde Ejaculation, Semen is redirected to the Bladder instead of through the Urethra during Ejaculation is known as Retrograde Ejaculation. Definition of retrograde Ejaculation The Semen that contains sperm does not stay in the penis whenever you have retrograde Ejaculation; instead, the sperm travels […]
एम्ब्रायो (भ्रूण) ट्रांसफर के बाद पेट में दर्द की समस्या कितनी सामान्य है !
एम्ब्रायो या जिसे भ्रूण ट्रांसफर के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, इसको लेकर महिलाओं के मन में काफी सवाल घूमते है जैसे की अगर वो आईवीएफ के जरिये गर्भवती होती है तो उनमे भ्रूण ट्रांसफर करने में उन्हें किस तरह के दर्द का सामना करना पड़ता है वही ये दर्द कितना सरल व सामान्य […]
क्या आईवीएफ के दौरान महिलाओं को सिजेरियन डिलीवरी का खतरा रहता है
सीज़ेरियन सेक्शन या जिसे सीज़ेरियन प्रसव भी कहा जाता है और इसका अर्थ है कि आपके बच्चे का जन्म ऑपरेशन के जरिए होता है। तो वही इस सर्जरी को लेकर बहुत सी महिलाओं के मन में ये सवाल भी घूम रहें होंगे की क्या आईवीएफ के जरिये भी हमे ऑपरेशन की समस्या का सामना करना […]
How is primary care the bottom-line option for boosting fertility?
Let’s start the blog with a positive quote, ‘A healthy outside starts from inside. Health is above all and that’s true. If you don’t give health the priority on the front page then definitely you will regret it in different phases of life. Let’s say, you are planning to conceive and you are in all […]
Is it possible for IVF Mothers to deliver a baby vaginally?
Women who have conceived with IVF often give up on the thought of delivering a baby normally. The rumours and the misleading information have been successful in making 85% of the ‘IVF-Mothers-To-Be’ believe that natural delivery is not possible for them. Dr Sumita Sofat says, “To deliver a baby naturally or normally does not get […]
Should the women taking up fertility treatments get vaccinated for COVID?
Because of COVID-19, a significant loss to the world has already been caused. Finally, we have seen the ray of hope. The world is slowly heading towards making the conditions appear normal. The conditions are getting normal owing to the covid vaccines. As far as the Covid vaccines are concerned, then the pregnant ladies are […]
Which factors are to be considered while estimating costs for IVF?
In today’s time, most couples are suffering from infertility problems. When advised by their gynaecologist, they tend to go to the IVF centre in Punjab and take the treatment. While some couples do not even consider visiting the test tube baby centre since they are afraid of the IVF cost. So in today’s article, we […]
Roles of cytoplasmic transfer & testicular mapping infertility treatment
We all have heard of the common assisted reproductive technologies like IVF. But we have not heard of any term like cytoplasmic transfer or microscopic testicular mapping for azoospermia. These are the new techniques that have been introduced in the fertility field. According to the fertility experts of the test tube centre in Punjab, “People […]