What is Low Testosterone in Women?

Testosterone is a male hormone, but females also produce some amount of Testosterone. It is important for several functions of the female’s body. Deficiency of Testosterone can impact the health of the female. It can also cause infertility in females. The IVF technology can treat infertility. Dr. Sumita Sofat provides you with guidance and treatment […]
क्या आईवीएफ के दौरान महिलाओं को सिजेरियन डिलीवरी का खतरा रहता है

सीज़ेरियन सेक्शन या जिसे सीज़ेरियन प्रसव भी कहा जाता है और इसका अर्थ है कि आपके बच्चे का जन्म ऑपरेशन के जरिए होता है। तो वही इस सर्जरी को लेकर बहुत सी महिलाओं के मन में ये सवाल भी घूम रहें होंगे की क्या आईवीएफ के जरिये भी हमे ऑपरेशन की समस्या का सामना करना […]
How are diabetes patients at increased risk of getting fertility issues?

Be it male or female; both are struggling with infertility issues. Moreover, the problem is likely to occur due to several reasons. One of them is Diabetes. If you are trying to conceive or have issues getting pregnant on your own, then schedule an initial consultation at one of the best IVF center in Punjab […]
Is it possible for IVF Mothers to deliver a baby vaginally?

Women who have conceived with IVF often give up on the thought of delivering a baby normally. The rumours and the misleading information have been successful in making 85% of the ‘IVF-Mothers-To-Be’ believe that natural delivery is not possible for them. Dr Sumita Sofat says, “To deliver a baby naturally or normally does not get […]
Fertility and sleep: Can your lifestyle choices affect the IVF treatment results?

How sleep and fertility can impact your IVF treatment? Is it true? This is the first thing you must have in your mind. Let’s talk about the same in detail. You must visit the best IVF Centre in Punjab to better plan your IVF Journey. The experienced and skilled doctor will keep a close watch […]
What are the most common tips to find the best infertility clinic near you?

Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre: One of the top-rated IVF Centre in Punjab, helping the childless couple to have a ray of hope of becoming parents. Our fertility clinic in Ludhiana did one research which pointed out that patients struggle to find the best fertility clinic for the treatment plan. Are you encountering the […]
What are the different factors which help you to choose the fertility clinic?

HOW TO LOOK FOR THE BEST FERTILITY CLINIC? Infertility is becoming a worldwide problem, which means a couple is unable to get pregnant naturally. According to the statistics, 1 in 6 couples or 15% of couples is diagnosed with infertility around the world. The inability to get pregnant can happen with any of the partners. […]
What are the causes of stillbirth? How can you prevent this from happening?

The loss of pregnancy gives you a devastating feeling. No matter if it has happened at the earlier stage or the later stage, the grief of losing the baby is always the same. So in this blog post, we are going to discuss everything about stillbirth. What exactly is stillbirth? When the woman experiences the […]
Do let COVID-19 affect your overall health and have negative thoughts

Have you heard the phrase, ‘Darkness brings Darkness’? COVID-19 has made many people’s lives miserable and we never imagined things would turn out this way. The way India is dealing with virus madness has brought a lot of negativity to people’s minds. This is true, one way or another everyone’s life is affected or has […]
IVF : Mechanism Of Each Stage And Weekly Procedures

Every couple after 4 to 5 years of their marriage wants to hear those namby-pamby baby cries. No couple wants to hear from the gynaecologist that “You are suffering from infertility”. But if such is God’s will, then you should not accept it without giving your 100% to attain what you want and that is […]