महिलाओं के साथ पुरषों में भी बढ़ रहा बांझपन : डा. सुमिता सोफत

महिलाओं के साथ पुरषों में भी बढ़ रहा बांझपन : डा. सुमिता सोफत

लुधिआना २० अगस्त ( सहगल, बी.एन 469/8 बाँझपन के लिए आज तक महिलाओं को दोषी माना जाता रहा है , लेकिन पुरुष भी इसके लिए जिम्मेदार हो सकता है | डा. सुमिता सोफत अस्पताल की प्रसिद्ध बांझपन रोग विशेषज्ञ डा. सुमिता सोफत ने बताया की जब  पुरषों की प्रजनन करने की क्षमता समाप्त  हो जाती […]

जहरीले पानी के कारन पुरषों में कम हुई बच्चे पैदा करने की क्षमता

जहरीले पानी के कारन पुरषों में कम हुई बच्चे पैदा करने की क्षमता

कंस्लटैंट इनफर्टिलिटी स्पेसलिस्ट डा. सुमिता सोफट के मुताबिक महिलाओं के मुकाबले पुरषों में बच्चे पैदा करने की क्षमता कम होती जा रही है | वजह, जहरीले पानी के चलते पुरषों के स्पर्म बच्चे पैदा करने में 30 से 40 प्रतिशत तक कमजोर हो जाते हैं | ऐसा ही हॉल जायदा सिगरट, शराब या अन्य तरह […]

What’s The Link Between Male Infertility Treatment & Genetic Male Infertility?

What’s The Link Between Male Infertility Treatment & Genetic Male Infertility?

It could be mind-blowing to a number of couples, but in the case you are seeking male infertility treatment, you certainly have to know this. Some studies indicate that ICSI, which literally means Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection can extend infertility issues to the offspring. ICSI is a type of male infertility treatment where a single sperm […]

14 Most Common Causes of Male Infertility: Diagnosis & Treatment

Sofat Website Post

Male infertility is the inability of a man to help his wife conceive. In earlier cases of infertility, women are normally subjected to humiliation as most of the times; they are blamed for failure to reproduce. Male infertility is indeed common these days and a number of diagnosed infertility cases pinpoint to male infertility. As […]

Snubbing Male Infertility Only Compromises Human Existence

What are the causes and treatment of male infertility

For so long, women have been blamed for infertility issues and this fact is made worse when backed by cultural beliefs and the so-called stigma. Aren’t women humans just like men? So, why do we head along with the so-called outdated stigmas? According to the latest study, mainly focusing on reproduction, findings indicate that male […]

Semen OR Sperm Allergies: Are You a Victim?

Semen OR Sperm Allergies: Are You a Victim?

Sexual matters or what generally happens in the bedroom tends to remain between the partners, and ideally, this is right. However, sharing some bedroom issues with the right person such as a gynecologist or a counselor can help save your relationship. Semen or sperm allergy is one of the sexual issues experienced by some couples, […]

Silent Features of Male Infertility- This is what you must know

Silent Features of Male Infertility- This is what you must know

Male infertility isn’t a phenomenal to take for granted, but a general awakening call for all. Infertility is a common disease today divided into male and female infertility. Male infertility is a condition in which a man fails to impregnate a fertile woman during the reproductive age. Vital Features of Male Infertility are; An Increasing […]

Warning to Hot Tubs: Affects the Male Fertility

Warning to Hot Tubs: Affects the Male Fertility

When you have got the idea of having a baby then you have to make the necessary changes that ensure your fertility. If you are interested to achieve the parenthood goal, then it is essential to view the partner’s habits. If your partner is spending much time in the hot tub, wear tight underwear and […]

Low Sperm Count Symptoms, Causes & Treatment – Sofat Infertility Centre

Low Sperm Count treatment – New Rainbow For Childless Couples

Lifestyle issues and many other unknown and known factors are the main cause of the increasing the male infertility problems. The main cause of male infertility in the globe is low sperm count. India has enhanced his wings in the scientific world as a large number of the hospital are popular all over the world […]

पुरुष बांझपन के उपचार के लिए सात सामान्य औषध और दवा


पुरुष बांझपन के उपचार के लिए सामान्य औषध और दवा केवल महिलाओं में ही बाँझपन की समस्या नहीं होती बल्कि पुरषों में भी यह समस्या हो सकती है | बाँझपन की जिम्मेदार जायदातर महिलाओं को माना जाता है लेकिन पुरष भी इसके लिए बराबर के हिस्सेदार हैं | पुरषो में इस समस्या के कुछ ही […]