Everything you should know about Hypothyroidism and Pregnancy
Hypothyroidism: Underactive Thyroid Hypothyroidism and Pregnancy: Have you ever heard about the relationship between the 2? Hypothyroidism is the underactive thyroid which means the thyroid gland is not producing enough amount which it should. The thyroid gland is present in the throat’s lower part & it is wrapped around the trachea (upper windpipe). Are you […]
Are home pregnancies to be taken by the females conceived through IVF?
When a couple undergoes fertility treatment from some famous IVF Centre in Punjab to address either the male or the female issues, then it is quite natural for them to be curious to know if the test has come out to be successful or not. But the gynaecologist in Punjab prefers them not to take […]
Dr Sumita Sofat lists – 7 Proven Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy
According to Dr Sumita Sofat, running a famous fertility clinic in Ludhiana, “ There are many couples who think that getting pregnant is more important than remaining healthy during pregnancy. Since both of the things aim at delivering a healthy baby, then why overlook one of these? So if you think that I am right, […]
What is the procedure of painless childbirth? Who should get it done?
Childbirth pain can be intense at times and if you try to measure it then it can be 8 on a scale of 10. When a woman has conceived through IVF by getting treatment from the best IVF Centre in Punjab there concern is whether the painless delivery is possible or not. Bear in mind, […]
7 Topmost FAQs on – “Sex During Pregnancy” and “When to avoid it”
When IVF procedure has helped you with the conception, then the couples are usually more conscious to follow the precautionary measures, so that there is no risk for complications to occur. According to Dr Sumita Sofat pioneer of Sofat infertility and the women care centre, the best IVF Centre in Punjab, “After sharing sweets and […]
चलिए जानते है गर्भधारण कैसे होता है ? अंडा और शुक्राणु शरीर में कैसे बनते है ?
गर्भधारण करना एक महिला के लिए सबसे बड़ी ख़ुशी की बात होती है | हाँ, यह जानना ज़रूरी है की कई बार जो महिला खुद से गर्भवती नहीं हो पा रही है तो उनको IVF Centre in Punjab में सबसे बेहतरीन डॉक्टर से परामर्श करना चाहिए | यदि आप एक अच्छा infertility clinic in ludhiana […]
Should pregnant women get vaccinated? Are there any side effects of the same?
There is a lot of hue and cry about the Covid vaccines. Some are having faith in that while others are so scared of being vaccinated. First of all, we should know that the COVID Vaccine is not at all harmful and detrimental and it is required to protect yourself from this deadly virus by […]
Why do couples consider undergoing genetic testing before they plan for the baby?
When we are ready to plan the baby, we usually imagine all the stages of conception and pregnancy as a cup of tea. We think that no sooner we do unprotected sex, than we may encounter those positive lines on the pregnancy test kit. Easy labor and uncomplicated delivery will be all that you need […]
What is the benefit of drinking coconut water during pregnancy?
We all know that coconut water is so beneficial for our health in many ways. You will be surprised to know the tremendous effects of coconut water on reproductive capabilities. This is the predominant reason that coconut water is suggested to intake during IVF treatment. So in today’s article, we shall be knowing the importance […]
Myths about Pregnancy and Sex
Due to not having proper understanding regarding the pregnancy and sex, it has raised different myths. To make sure, you do not have any problem we have shared some of them in this guide. Keep in mind, to not trust everything you read or hear. Always consult the doctor first as she is the right […]