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डॉक्टर सुमिता सोफत की बदौलत 60 साल की उम्र में मिला संतान प्राप्ति का सुख

डॉक्टर सुमिता सोफत की बदौलत 60 साल की उम्र में मिला संतान प्राप्ति का सुख


डॉक्टर सुमिता सोफत हॉस्पिटल कई दशकों से मानवता के हित में योगदान और निःसंताणं दम्पति को संतान प्राप्ति का बहुमूल्य सुख देते आ रहे हैं. हाल ही में 60 साल के बगीचा सिंह 55 साल की लखविंदर कौर जो की पांतड़ा के रहने वाले हैं. उन्होंने वहां के कई हॉस्पिटल से अपना इलाज करवाया पर […]

study of successful IVF treatment in India-birth of girl child after 15 years

Infertility Treatment Success Story, India - Patient Blessed With Girl Child After 15 Years


The assisted reproductive techniques have come as a blessing to the infertile parents. They have brought immense hope and positivity for all those couples who had lost all hopes of having a biological child of their own. Initially, people doubted and were surrounded by myths and misconceptions regarding the assisted reproduction methods. But, with the […]

Countless IVF Success Stories at Dr. Sumita Sofat Hospital – Here Check Some of Them

Dr. Sumtia Sofat - Countless IVF Success Stories


Dr. Sumita Sofat Hospital and the team of IVF Specialists feel delighted and happy in sharing the IVF success stories (patient’s testimonials) and the messages from our patients. IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) treatment is been having many infertile couples in starting their families. The following Stories of our patients can help you in getting aware […]

IVF success story – Twins after a troublesome trauma Infertility issues resolved

IVF success story – Twins after a troublesome trauma Infertility issues resolved Mukerian


Twins after a troublesome trauma Infertility has become a major issue in current times. We come across so many couples who are dealing with the trauma of infertility. Even couples of a young age are saddled in such hopeless situations. While the reasons in individual couples vary, it is quite evident that infertility has taken […]

IVF success story – how we got twice the blessings with the birth of our twins

IVF success story – how we got twice the blessings with the birth of our twins Himachal Pradesh


Many couples across the Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh suffer from the stigma of infertility. The condition does not only cause emotional stress but has social stigma also attached to it. The dilemma is really painful and there seems to be no actual reason to pinpoint in the early stages. But medical intervention has proved to be a […]