Test tube of hope: Quarter of a Million IVF babies in Britain

आईवीएफ टेक्नीक से माँ बन सकेगी

According to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) the 2,50,000th IVF baby born in February 2015. That’s really great news to reaching the new mile stone. From this survey its clearly shows that IVF technique becoming more popular day by day. IVF Centre in punjab

If we talking about 1991, total 6609 women go for the IVF treatment and 1226 baby born, in 2013 total 67708 receives the IVF treatment and 15283 babies born.

The world first IVF baby was born at Oldham and District Hospital in Greater Manchester on 25 July 1978.

The success of the IVF treatments is increasing day by day. In 1991 the success rate of IVF babies is 14% that increased to 26.5% in 2014.

When IVF technique discovered no one can imagined that over 2,50,000 babies born in just 25 years. From this statics you can easily estimate that IVF technique is becoming the most popular reproductive technique.

IVF treatment is the best choice for the couple who wants the perfect solution for their infertility problems at low costs. There are number of places that offer you best treatment without any side effects.

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