What options do modern medical methods offer to treat infertility?

What options do modern medical methods offer to treat infertility

Infertility is a painful situation which many couples find themselves in. It not only drains them emotionally and physically. But they also have to bear the brunt socially. But there is hope for such couples. Modern medical methods have gifted us with many infertility treatment options such as IVF. IVF treatment in India is available at many places in India. The facility has even reached the remote areas of the country. Many test tube baby centers are mushrooming all over the country.

Infertility-what is it exactly

If a couple is unable to conceive within one year of trying, it is termed as infertility. Often the condition may be attributed to female factors but sometimes, the male could be the one who is accountable for the ordeal. While 40-50% infertility is due to the female partner, male partner’s infertility could be the reason in 30-40% cases. The main cause of infertility lies in the urbanization and stressful lifestyle of the current generation. Food adulteration, toxicity in the body, air and water pollution are also to blame. Other factors like alcohol and drug abuse,smoking, and sexually transmitted diseases are also accountable for the rising cases of infertility.

Male infertility

Male infertility is characterized by low sperm count or problem in the shape and motility of the sperm. Sometimes, the sperms might not be able to get transferred to their intended destination due to blockage in the man’s prostate area. This condition too contributes to male infertility. Sometimes, everything is OK but the sperms are unable to swim to their destination. These may be caused due to working at high temperature or facing toxins every day. Pollution also deters male fertility. Male Infertility can be rectified through medical intervention.

Female Infertility

Female Infertility could be due to PCOS, endometriosis or hormonal imbalance. Blockage of fallopian tubes, advanced age, or pelvic inflammatory disease could also be the problem.

Blood test show hormonal problems, while a transvaginal ultrasound helps in finding out if there is an anomaly in the uterus. An HSG is conducted to check if the fallopian tubes are in proper condition.If the tubes are found to be blocked, they may be treated with tube blockage removal surgery.

 Treatment options

 Treatment options
Many treatment options are available to treat infertile couples-
  • IVF Technique

It involves the fertilization of the egg and the sperm in a lab petri dish instead of the natural site. The embryo so formed is planted back into the woman’s uterus after keeping it under observation for two to five days. Hopefully, a successful pregnancy ensues and a healthy baby is delivered at the end of the pregnancy. Sometimes, it is absolutely normal that a successful conception doesn’t take place in the first cycle, The couple has to wait and try the option again in such a case.

  • Laparoscopy

It is a procedure in which the internal view of the pelvic system and the reproductive organs are taken to determine the problem area. In it, a tubular structure which has a light and camera fitted to it is inserted into the body to take a tour of the internal reproductive organs. It is helpful in diagnosing endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and fibroids.

  • Hysteroscopy

This method is similar to laparoscopy except for the fact that it is used to examine the internal portion of cervix and uterus. It is vital in determining the condition of the endometrium and detecting abnormal uterine bleeding.

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