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When Should The Right Candidate Seek IVF Treatment For Infertility?

IVF Treatment For Infertile Couples


Infertility can be so hard on so many people. People find it difficult to naturally conceive a child without any complications.

But do not worry! Your dreams can come true because of advancements in medical science and technology. Now the infertile couple can expect to become parents too.


According to the Test Tube Baby Centre in Punjab, IVF is the growing technique people choose to treat their infertility and conceive a healthy child. 

Common Risk Factors Of Infertility

Some of the most common reasons for infertility include hormonal issues, poor diet, structural issues, stress, and much more. No matter what your gender is, you can suffer from infertility. Let us delve more into other factors that can trigger infertility in men and women. 

Some of the common risks factors are:

  1. Growing age (for men, it is above 40, and for women, it is above 35)
  2. Diabetes
  3. Having eating disorders including bulimia, and anorexia nervosa
  4. Use of alcohol excessively
  5. Having exposure to environmental toxins, including lead and pesticides
  6. Over-exercising
  7. Cancer treatment or radiation therapy
  8. Having STD or STI (Sexually Transmitted Diseases / Sexually Transmitted Infection)
  9. Smoking
  10. Stress and tension
  11. Substance abuse
  12. Weight problems such as underweight or obesity 

Some of the common risk factors for women are:

  1. Having abnormal menstruation
  2. Blocked fallopian tube
  3. Kidney diseases
  4. Celiac diseases
  5. Past ectopic (tubal) pregnancy
  6. Pituitary gland disorders such as Cushing Syndrome
  7. Pelvic inflammatory diseases
  8. PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), Primary Ovarian Insufficiency, Ovarian Cysts
  9. Uterine Problems such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and uterine polyps
  10. Sickle cell anemia
  11. Thyroid diseases 

Some common risk factors for men are:

  1. Having enlarged veins, also known as varicocele in the scrotum, is basically the sacs that hold the testicles.
  2. Having genetic disorders, including cystic fibroids
  3. Having a high heat exposure to testicles from tight clothing or because of frequent use of saunas and hot tubs
  4. Having an injury to the scrotum and or testicles.
  5. Having low testosterone or low sperm count
  6. Misuse of anabolic steroids
  7. Premature ejaculation, or when semen flows back into the bladder, is also known as retrograde ejaculation.
  8. Testicular cancer and its treatment
  9. Undescended testicles

 When To Seek IVF?

These are some of the common reasons why you should seek help from a professional and get IVF treatment for your infertility from the Best IVF Doctor in Ludhiana.

  1. When you experience an infection or when the tube gets blocked because of the removal of extrauterine pregnancy
  1. When the multiple follicles grow with the given stimulation protocol
  1. Even after effective development and timely follicles, the couple cannot conceive even after undergoing at least 6 to 8 cycles of IUI or some other similar infertility treatment to assure pregnancy.
  1. Women who are experiencing a reduction in the ovarian reserve also require test-tube babies.
  1. The age might be one of the reasons as women above 38 might face issues they can solve via test tube baby treatment.
  1. There are at least 10 % of the couple who suffer from infertility for unknown and non- detectable reasons.

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