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Asthenozoospermia: Diagnosis, Treatment & Prevention

Considering the annually soaring male infertility cases, Dr. Sumita Sofat Hospital continues to reveal its insight into sperm issues and Asthenozoospermia is one of them.

How To Understand Asthenozoospermia!

Considering the annually soaring male infertility cases, Dr. Sumita Sofat Hospital continues to reveal its insight into sperm issues and Asthenozoospermia is one of them.

Asthenozoospermia or asthenospermia refers to poor sperm motility. Motility basically means the ability of the sperm cells to swim or move as they ought to. Asthenozoospermic cases are diagnosed when the forward progression of sperm is 50% (Grade a + b) or rapid progression is 25% (Grade a).

For fertilization to occur, sperms must swim or complete a treacherous journey right from the vagina to the Fallopian tubes where fertilization occurs. There is a major competition between the sperms, and only the fastest and healthiest can fertilize the released ovum. In case of poor sperm motility, the sperms will struggle to meet the egg and this definitely reduces a man’s odds of fatherhood.

What Causes Asthenozoospermia Or Poor Sperm Motility?

Causes Asthenozoospermia

The exact cause of Asthenozoospermia is unknown, but fertility experts believe that the following can trigger poor sperm motility in men;

  • Testicular injury and disease
  • Sperm production problems
  • Varicocele
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Genetics
  • Smoking
  • Sperm antibodies
  • Nutrition deficiencies
  • Alcoholism
  • Exposure to heat (from saunas, hot tubs, and factories)
  • Genitals or urogenital tract infections

Possible Asthenozoospermia Symptoms

There are generally no Asthenozoospermia symptoms, but an inability to help your wife conceive may indicate to low sperm motility. In other cases, a varicocele which is the commonest cause of infertility issues in men may trigger several symptoms such as a sharp pain, swelling, and heaviness. With that, a general examination and tests are required to ascertain the exact cause of Asthenozoospermia.

Diagnosing Asthenozoospermia

A Seminogram, also known as a sperm analysis is required to evaluate the sperm motility. With this, the sperms are placed in a sperm-counting chamber and examined under a microscope. The spermatozoids are counted and the number of immobile sperms is recorded. The results are evaluated with the normal values for a defined Asthenospermia Treatment in India in case required.

How Is Asthenozoospermia Treated?

Asthenozoospermia treatment is tailored depending on the main cause and a man’s lifestyle. Dietary measures, lifestyle changes, and supplements are general approaches to correcting sperm motility.

  • Diet

Your diet should consist of various vitamin sources and high protein foods. Foods rich in Zinc, vitamin C and E will help support healthy sperm development.

  • Lifestyle Changes

Habits like alcoholism and smoking must be foregone to correct sperm motility. Similarly, exposure to metals, heat, and chemicals must be prevented as much as possible.

Treating any other underlying problem like infection and varicocele can help improve sperm parameters.  

Treating Asthenozoospermia Using Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)

The use of ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) and IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) are other possible approaches for men poor sperm motility treatment in Punjab. With these advanced treatments, sperms are manually combined with the eggs in a Petri dish for fertilization to occur. Sperms from the intended father may be used and in case incapable of fertilizing the egg, donor sperms are used.

Home Remedies To Improve Your Sperm Motility

  • Exercise regularly
  • Try to have sex in the morning hours or afternoon hours. Sperm counts are considered higher during these periods
  • Sleep for 8 hours on a regular basis
  • Try any recommended supplement to boost your sperm motility